Tuesday, August 3, 2021

A Letter to the North American Wesleyan Church From the District Superintendents


The year that began in March 2020 and continues to this day has been perhaps the most difficult months we could imagine. We were hit by a “perfect storm” made up of several powerful forces including the Covid-19 pandemic, serious racial tensions, and the US presidential election. This storm challenged our personal, civic and church relationships as well as how we minister for Christ across North America. Exacerbated by social media, these issues have created concern and confusion among many of our Wesleyan pastors and congregants. Added to this “perfect storm” is the division and slide from Christian orthodoxy currently taking place in denominations such as the United Methodist Church.

Some in our Wesleyan family have asked where we stand as a denomination on the presenting issues being dealt with in the UMC. Just a few weeks ago (February 2021), the North American District Superintendents met in St. Louis MO for a two-day summit to pray and to discuss these weighty issues pressing in on us as a Church. Out of these sessions came a sense that we needed to speak into this perfect storm as elected leaders from across the Church. On February 15, 2021 our General Superintendent, Dr. Wayne Schmidt, wrote an article in Wes Life (https://www.wesleyan.org/what-i-have-heard)

where he expressed his continued affirmation of the Articles of Religion and the Position Papers of the Wesleyan Church. The District Superintendents wish to join him in that affirmation by adding our voices as elected leaders in the Wesleyan Church.

The following statements by the District Superintendents are offered to the North American Wesleyan Church whom we love:

• We hold that a life touched and transformed by the love of Jesus Christ is still the best witness to the power of God to bring life, healing and wholeness to our broken systems, relationships and communities.

 • We hold that the Holy Scriptures are the final authority for all who name Christ as Lord and that these timeless Truths still provide the absolute best answers to the cultural issues being raised in our generation, especially as they address racial reconciliation as well as sexuality and gender issues.

• Therefore, The District Superintendents of the North American Wesleyan Church:

1. re-affirm, and give our unwavering commitment to, our Wesleyan Mission to spread the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ to transform lives, churches and communities; and

2. re-affirm, and give our unwavering commitment to, our Articles of Religion* and to the Position Papers* as approved by the General Conference of the North American Wesleyan Church.

It is our passionate prayer that God, through His Holy Spirit, will continue to add His favor upon this Wesleyan movement for His glory as we remain faithful to His Mission, His Heart and His Holy Bible. May He enable the Wesleyan Church to carry out its Great Commission Mission in the spirit of the Great Commandment. Amen. ____________________________________________________


 * Regarding the Articles of Religion referenced above, we draw the reader’s attention specifically to Article 7 (Marriage and Family) as it refers to the Biblical understanding of Marriage as well as gender identity and homosexuality.



* Regarding the Position Papers referenced above, we draw the reader’s attention specifically to the two Papers titled A Wesleyan View of Homosexuality, and A Wesleyan View of Racial Reconciliation.




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