Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Thought: All The Nations Will Come And Worship Before You – Psalm 86





It can be challenging to think of entire nations as belonging to God. Humans have been fighting for centuries to have dominion over territories, and yet it is God who created the earth and everything on it. It is God that owns everything in the end. We humans are simply called to well-steward His creation during the time we are allotted. We also think of ourselves as belonging to a certain nation, and there may even be certain nations that for whatever reason we feel like we dislike. But our perspective is challenged when we acknowledge that God is the Lord and Master of all nations.


He is the Creator and the final say. God is reminding us today that one day, regardless of race, ethnicity or geographical boundary, everyone is going to worship the One, true God. So honor God today by being gracious in your thoughts and in your words, remembering that we will all one day bow to the same Lord as King.



King Jesus, thank You for creating and caring for every nation and every person who is part of every nation. You are the ruler of all and we pray that our nation will help to heal and not destroy others as part of Your inclusive Kingdom. Help us today, Lord, to bring glory to Your Name; to have Your eyes of mercy and a heart of love even when it is difficult to do so. It is in Your good and holy Name we pray, Amen.


“All the nations You have made will come and worship before You, Lord; they will bring glory to Your Name”                                               -Psalm 86:9.


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