Wednesday, September 1, 2021

You are a culture carrier....


Chris Fussell was a Navy Seal and part of the Special Operations Task Force led by General Stanley McChrystal during American military engagement in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Fussell recalled a time when General McChrystal stated to him: “Remember, your position has little formal authority but massive reach.”

Leaders need to be reminded of this. While it is true many of you have positional authority in the organization you lead, you have a greater expanse of influence that ought to never be underestimated.

This is especially true when you lead in the context of a, primarily, volunteer organization (think church). You may have a title, but a title seldom results in authority. Authority is best cultivated in a culture of relational connection, genuine caring, and authentic interaction.

Understanding your influence has massive reach should cause you to consider the following:

Tone of your emails

Courtesy you extend to your team

Respect you show the mission

Informal comments you make

Conversations you have

The appreciation you show

You are, ultimately, a culture carrier. How you carry this will determine buy in, mission fulfillment, cross boundary connections, and relational strength. Quit worrying about position; instead focus on the reach you have, or can have.

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