Tuesday, January 4, 2022

ANYONE HATE TO WAIT? - A Lesson from Mr. Miyagi




Sooner or later, we all end up in God’s waiting room. If we are not careful, we will see WAITING DAYS as WASTED DAYS rather than TRAINING DAYS. 


Remember the old movie Karate Kid? Daniel wants to learn Karate from Mr. Miyagi. He shows up for that first exciting lesson and there are a half dozen cars lined up. Mr. Miyagi hands him some soap and wax and says, “First, wash cars, all of them. Then wax.”

What for? Uhh! Wax on…right hand. Wax off…left hand. Wax on…wax off.


The next day it is, “Sand deck. Right circle. Left circle. Whole deck.” Daniel’s frustrated, but he wants to learn Karate. So, the next day he comes back.


This time it is, “Paint the fence. Wrist up…wrist down.” And then,” Paint the house—side to side.” Daniel blows a cork. He says, “You’re not teaching me Karate: I’m your stinkin’ slave. It has been four days and it is nothing but ‘sand deck,’ ‘wax car,’ ‘paint house!’”


Mr. Mayagi replies, “Things are not as they seem. Show me ‘sand floor.’ Show me wax on, wax off.’ Show me ‘paint fence.’”

Suddenly everything made sense. The four days were not WASTED DAYS BUT TRAINING DAYS.


Think of Joseph----13 years of waiting.

Noah-----120 years building a boat.

Moses----40 years in the wilderness.

David----18 years waiting to be King.

Paul----3 years in Arabia.

Abraham----100 years to have a son.


Some of you are waiting as well. I wish I had words tender enough for your soul. However, God has not abandoned you. 

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

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