Sunday, January 16, 2022

SUNDAY THOUGHTS: By The Word of the Lord The Heavens Were Made



By the Word of the Lord the Heavens were made,
And by the breath of His mouth all their lights. 
 – Psalm 33:6


If you have ever had the chance to be in a remote location on a clear night, you know what it’s like to look up into the sky and marvel at the magnificent display of dancing stars. Their light, their brilliance … their mystery. It is a breathtaking view. A view that oftentimes reminds us of the greatness of our God, the One who merely spoke the stars into existence, and our great dependence on Him.


In the vastness of this great big world, it is easy to sometimes feel insignificant. We get lost in the spaciousness and greatness of it all. But remember, you are God’s most prized creation. Your soul means more to God than all of the cosmos put together! He knew you before you were born (Ps. 139:13), forming you in your mother’s womb, and knowing you intimately by name (Jer. 1:5). He reminds us in His Word that every last hair on our head is counted (Matt. 10:30); He knows when we sit and when we stand (Ps. 139:2), and every word that we speak. Our good Lord knows everything about us and still loves us unconditionally.

As you lift up Your eyes to Heaven today, taking in the wonder of His Creation, know that God is in perfect control. He has a big plan for this world — and not only have you been hand-selected to be a part of it, you complete it! 


“By the Word of the Lord the Heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their lights” – Psalm 33:6.




O Lord, You are so great, so unfathomable, yet so present, so near, so loving. When we think about all that You have created, all that You have planned, it is all the more amazing that You care about the plan for our lives too. We serve such a powerful and loving God! Thank You, Lord, that we can always trust in Your control, Your timing, and Your perfect plan for our lives. Strengthen our faith and give us the courage to carry out Your will. We love You. It is in Your good and Holy Name we pray, Amen.

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