Tuesday, February 1, 2022



The story is told that prior to the impending attack of the Alamo, by General Santa Anna’s Army, Colonel William B. Travis took out his saber and drew a line in the sand. He drew this line at the feet of those tasked with defending the Alamo.

He was purported to have said, “Our death is imminent at the hands of the Mexican Army. Any man wishing to leave the fort can do so. But if you want to stay and fight you should take one step forward; one step over the line in the sand.

Each of us have our lines in the sand. The line represents the fears we may have to overcome in order to become better. Each line is different, but none less impactful for any individual.

What is your line?

The line of forgiving
The line of accepting forgiveness
The line of risk
The line of persistence
The line of potential failure
The line of belief
The line of not quitting
The line of staying put in difficult circumstances
The line of trust

Each line represents a fear of taking the one step. The only way to overcome such fear is to take the step. In taking the step you are that much closer to traversing the obstacles that hinder your growth.

The one step forward is not the last step, but only the first one. However, it is in that first step you conjure up the courage necessary to overcome your fears.

The men of the Alamo who stepped over the line, drawn by Travis, still had a battle to fight. It was a battle history tells us was lost. Yet the most important battle was over the fear that would have kept them from staying. That battle was won decisively when they stepped over the line in the sand.

Take the step. Find the courage. The one step will change everything.

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