Friday, July 6, 2007

Back in Kansas Again

On Thursday I travelled back to Kansas to fulfill some responsibilities at home. I appreciate Pastor Alfredo Barreno meeting me at the airport and providing my transportation to Topeka. When I called my wife Sharron in the evening she encouraged me to check out Stephanie's Blog for a message posted for me. It brought tears to my eyes and a broad smile across my face. Check it out at Stephanie's blog.

I really miss Sharron when I am away from her. My wife Sharron is my best friend. She is the compass in my life that gives me the insight in making tough decisions and gives direction. She is the voice of reason when I need clarity while dealing with situations. I could not see my life and ministry without Sharron being part of it. She brings laughter to my voice and a deep sense of fulfillment in my life. Sharron - I can' say it enough: I love you!

I am so thankful that God placed Sharron in my life. As we celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary on June 9 we once again renewed in spirit our dedication and commitment to one another. I am blessed to have Sharron - my loving wife and best friend.

Sharron and I are blessed with our adult daughters Danielle and Stephanie. They are identical twins yet, each expresses their unique personality and passion for life. Sharron and I are first generation Christians. It is a great privilege to raise two beautiful daughters and know that each has made a personal decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The home they grew up in was not perfect. But, I can honestly say, the home they grew up in was filled with love and faith. We are righteously proud of each of our daughters because of who they are.

Sharron and I also blessed by our son-in-law Josh and our first grandchild Alyse Nicole! What a beautiful family. He and Stephanie were high school sweethearts. When Josh wanted to date Stephanie, he asked my permission and when he wanted to ask Stephanie to marry him, he asked my permission. He is truly a godly man and the best son-in-law I could ever image. He loves his wife and daughter. He is a commitment Christian and serves the Lord faithfully. The day Josh and Stephanie brought little Alyse home from the hospital was a GREAT DAY!

Why so much info about my family? Today I miss them. I am convinced more than ever that God is drawing Sharron and I to North Carolina to be near family and serve Him. As we delight in Him, God gives to us the desires of our heart. Sharron and I are content that whatever God's plan is for our life we want to be found faithful and available.

Today I am reading a book by Peter Scazzero. The title of the book is Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (2006 Integrity Publishers) "The combination of emotional health and contemplative spiritually addresses what I believe to be the missing piece in contemporary Christianity" he says. "Together they unleash the Holy Spirit inside us so that we might exponentially know the power of an authentic life in Christ." I encourage you to visit the website established by the Center for Emotionally Healthy Spirituality.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you found these words encouraging and filled with trustworthy statements!

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