Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Day to Celebrate Independence and Dependence

On this first July 4th in North Carolina we enjoyed a morning with Josh, Stephanie and Alyse.

We really appreciate the warm hospitality shown as we have been staying in their "guest room" for an extended time. Sharron and I have extremely enjoyed the time with family. Danielle had to work today due to an unexpected resignation which left quite a bit of unfinished business.

I laughed quite a bit today as I enjoyed the USA network for the MONK marathon. Yes - I am a MONK fan - big time. I own all the series available on DVD. If you have never experienced the MONK I invite you to follow detective Adrian Monk on his adventures solving cases on the Monk TV series. USA Network's Monk television show features Tony Shalub.

At this very moment - I am setting at my daughter's computer posting this blog and all of a sudden - here comes Stephanie - Alyse - and Sharron. It brings joy to my heart and a big smile to my face when "Grammy" holds Alyse up as she displays her Independence Day shirt.

As I think of the true meaning of Independence Day I am thankful for the sacrifice made by men and women across the years who have served in the armed force to secure our freedom. This American holiday was designed to bring to remembrance the patriotic duty of our forefathers who declared our Independence to establish - Under God - this nation.

As I believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and a Servant of the Most High God I also choose to remember the freedom I have to declare my dependence upon the Creator God of the Universe. In Christ alone do I trust for salvation.

I am blessed! If you have trouble grasping this "freedom" thing because you face temptations and bondage due to things in your life, I invite you to turn to God who loves you and demonstrated His love for you and me. The book I trust states that "While we were yet sinners - Christ died for us." His death give me - and you - the assurance of life. My dependence upon Him is the source of my strength. Be sure and comment if you want to know more about this dependence.

These - my friends - are trustworthy sayings!

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