Monday, April 14, 2008

The Landmark Message

Yesterday at North Raleigh I preached what I consider a landmark sermon.

I stated that a local church really is like a living body, it’s more of an organism than an organization. It’s made up of living, but flawed, sinful people. So in spite of it’s best efforts it will blunder from time to time. There is no church that is 100% successful in everything it does.

As one anonymous poet put it:
“I think that I shall never see, a church that’s all it ought to be;
A church whose members never stray, beyond the straight and narrow way;
A church that has no empty pews; whose pastor never has the blues...
Where gossips never peddle lies, or make complaints or criticize;
Where all are always sweet and kind, and all to other’s faults are blind.
Such perfect churches there may be, but none of them are known to me.
But still I’ll work and pray and plan, to make our church the best we can.”

Then I described the refocus process we are beginning. In order for any church to really refocus it must experience change.

To hear this landmark message simply click HERE.


Unscramble the letters below


Hint: At least three people told me after hearing my message that they wanted to stand up and do this.

PS: Congratulations to Danelle Betancourt who solved the last word scramble with the correct answer of AWESOME!

This vision is for a future time ... it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. Habakkuk 2:3

These are trustworthy sayings!


  1. Oh, I didn't know we were supposed to shout out the answer if we knew it.

  2. I too wanted to stand up and
    "UTOSH"! You did an awesome job! Also, thank you for the book. It is great!

  3. This is Julia Buzzard...I forgot my will be signed anonymus but I don't want to be anonymus in saying that the podcast was great..we weren't there Sunday..were at my son's church listening to him preach a great was also on us doing our part to make our church what we want it to be...Thank you Pastor Rick and Pastor Kevin Buzzard...I just shredded up my green card and am ready to Get the work done that The Lord wants me to do..
