Friday, April 11, 2008

Preparing for Sunday

Today I am at my desk praying and preparing for Sunday. I believe God has placed within my heart a "landmark message". I first heard that term in 1994 when reading the recently released book "Who's in Charge? Standing up to Leadership Pressures. (Part of the Mastering Ministry's Pressure Points series by Christianity Today).

Jack Hayford writes "Strong leaders are known for their landmark sermons ( and sometimes lynched for them). He goes on to say "As I prepare a landmark message, I have a growing sense of anointing best described as a sense of mission and authority. Even before I come into the pulpit, I feel clothed with a mantle of grace to declare a vital word. The message, fully gestated, is ready for birth." He continues: "Landmark messages are extraordinarily demanding. They strain my emotions and study time. They force me to wrestle with great issues. The draw criticism. And I know I will have to face some repercussion for people following incorrectly what I say (usually people who didn't listen to all I said)."

The message for Sunday began turning in my spirit in late February. On February 26 we hosted the Engaging Church Seminar at North Raleigh. In a conversation with the two presenters, Chip Arn and Allen Ratta they asked me a simple but profound question: "If you had an opportunity to speak to the church about their current reality what would you say? I then shared about my last nine months at the church and my observations, concerns and diagnostic evaluation. Then they said - You should share that with the congregation in a landmark message. WOW

The problem is - I have sooo much to say and so little time to say it! My prayer is that God will enable me to speak with the anointing power of God and with clarity and conviction.

I saw this on a favorite web site recently and thought I would pass it along here:

w e e m o s a
Hint: This is the word I hope people are saying as they think about the presence of the Lord in our worship experience this coming Sunday.

"Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you - they are your life." Deuteronomy 32:44-47a

These are the concluding words of the Song of Moses - his final words to the children of Israel and to us today! Truly ~ Trustworthy sayings.

Thanks for the comments - does anyone know what the answer to the word scramble is? Why not post it on my comments? First person to post the answer should see me at church on Sunday for a gift.


  1. Do you always have to copy from people's blogs?

  2. I'm so excited to hear your landmark sermon. I've been praying for this sermon for several weeks. After reading this blog, I'm really anxious to hear it.

  3. AWESOME! I can't wait to hear it!
