Sunday, July 13, 2008

Un christian

Today was another great day at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. As I entered the worship center prior to the morning service experience I had the privilege to meet a first time guest who has just moved to the area from New York. Later I enjoyed meeting several other new guest to the church.
It was encouraging to connect with a new couple from last week who returned to the church today. There seems to be a common thread with these new guest to the church. They shared with me that no one had invited them to church but that they simply found us on the church website or drove by the facility.
In my message this moring I shared a quote out of the book - Un christian. I just recently finished reading this book. Here is a short clip featuring an honest conversation with David Kinnaman – author of the book “Un christian” about the perceptions of christianity in culture.

1 comment:

  1. That book is the most signficant one in the last couple of years, I suspect.

    Understanding how outsiders see us is also a vital issue for making a church website that can reach into the community, as sugested at Internet Evangelism Day's church website design self-assessment tool.


