Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Invitation to our church...

On Sunday I made these simple comments:

As we go thorough our refocus as a church I pray that we will be a church where anyone is welcomed. I think it would be great if we had a reputation that we will let ANYONE come to our church! I say: Bring em’ ON! How do we share the love of Christ? One way is to invite people to church.

I KNOW - you usually don't take the time to watch the "clips" I have been placing on my blog. I have noticed no comments recently. But - hey - Come on! Take less than 2 minutes to watch this one.

What do you think about this welcome invitation to our church?

Who will YOU call and invite to church this week?


  1. I guess I would question what the definition of church is. The Bible teaches that the church is the body and bride of Christ. When we say, "We're not asking you to believe Jesus is God before you attend our church," we're not really inviting people to church; we're inviting them to come and watch the church.

  2. It's up-to-date and current! If that's what you're looking for!

  3. I like the invitation...and have just recently realized the real meaning of the phrase, the building we worship in is not "the church" the people under the roof are "the church"..I have been praying that we as a people can make North Raleigh a place where "everyone who walks thru the doors," will want to worship God here..and you are wrong...alot of us watch the videos...and enjoy them..Thank you very much for the blog..Julia
