Monday, October 12, 2009

We are blessed - A second Hudgens Announcement!

On July 30th I posted about our daughter Stephanie, who suffered a miscarriage of her pregnancy. I penned these words:

As Stephanie is recovering from a recent miscarriage my heart is broken for her and Josh. This time brings clear memories from 30 years ago. Sharron and I had been married for almost two years and felt it time to begin a family. When Sharron told me that she was pregnant we cried together with tears of joy. I knew this meant our lives were about to undergo a major change. When Sharron went through the miscarriage she and I were devastated. Our church family came around us to pray and encourage us. I clearly remember Sharron going for a follow up visit and returning home handed me a note from the doctor. It read “When at first we don’t succeed – try, try, again!” Ten months later God blessed us with beautiful twin daughters.

Recently I read this message from her blog:

It was a surprise for us too.
I am 8 weeks along.

Due May 14, 2010


Congratulations to Josh and Stephanie!

God never changes! He is always so faithful to His people!

Sharron and I are extremely happy about our growing family.

The blessings of God continue to fall upon us.

We are blessed!

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