Thursday, June 28, 2007

Trustworthy Sayings for people like us.

Today I made a major revision on my blog. I now have a new heading and a passage of scripture God laid upon my heart.

I think about the people who read this blog. People like you. Normal. Everyday. Coffee drinking/Diet Coke sipping kind of people who are just trying to deal with life. Maybe just trying to deal with the day.From the outside, some of us appear to be people who are whole. That is, we appear to have it together. Others of us appear to be struggling. Still others of us may appear to be a mess.

The truth? What you see on the outside can be deceiving. Regardless of the way we may appear on the outside, on the inside, we all are lacking. We have fears and inadequacies that many of us go to great lengths to mask. At the core of our being is a great need for God. Yet, we often try our best to make it on our own.So I want you to know that when I post each day (about four to five days a week), I am thinking about people just like you. In fact, I sometimes picture people just like you, turning on their computer and finding this blog.

You may be single.
You may be a young father or mother.
You may be a widow.
You may be a church leader.
You may not see yourself as very "religious."
You may feel very connected with some special people in your life.
You may feel very alone.

Regardless, we have much in common.

What we have in common, however, may not be what you see on the outside. What we have in common is what is real and what may be lacking on the inside.

Some days you might read this blog and come away encouraged or helped in some way. Some days--well, it just didn't do much for you. Regardless, I really pray that in some way God would bless you and provide just what you need. Please feel free to comment at any time.
Portions of this were adapted from a 1996 blog by jimmartin.


  1. Well, I'm glad to be the first to post on this entry. I enjoyed this post most of all. The commonality we all share is the longing each of us has. We long for intimacy and relationship (whether we admit it or not), we long for meaning and purpose (though some may say there is none), and we long for love (the kind that is untainted and unwavering). All of these longings lead us to God if truly pursued. He is the fulfillment of them all. If we set out to satisfy these longings, we will come face to face with the Lord of the Universe.
    I hope that God is satisfying the desires of your heart as you seek Him. I pray for you and Sharron regularly. I thank you for your friendship and fellowship and leadership. I cannot thank you enough for your belief and support of me in ministry. May God open doors for you and manifest Himself mightily in your service to Him.

  2. "Hey! (That's North Carolina for Hello"
    These were the first words I ever heard from you spoken from the pulpit of Drainsville Camp when I was 13 years old and attending the Capital District Youth Camp. I was Kimberly C. then. I remember your twin babies and watched them grow at CFC until Ken and I married and moved to NC. What an interesting thing to cross paths again.

    Yesterday while talking with some ladies at the VBS waterslide party, they told me about a candidate for pastor. I thought they were joking when they said your name. I assumed my jokester husband Ken had put them up to it.
    Only find out that you and Sharron are desiring to be in this area.

    I am praying for you today. I know that God is in control and will lead you and Sharron as faithfully as He has in the past. Not one thing, grief or discomfort has ever been wasted. Isnt it so good to know that HE knows the plans He has for us...plans to give us a HOPE and a future. I have watched Him and experienced Him through much joy and sadness since those tender years at Drainsville Camp....and found Him to be everything He has promised and then some.

    Lord, Bless the Hudgens family as they seek your face in this move. Show them your perfect will and protect them through transitions. Flood them with Your peace and secure them with Your direction!
    In Jesus name!
