Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Five days of the journey

It has been five days since my last blog entry. Each day has brought blessings and confirmation of God's favor upon Sharron and me.


On June 28th Sharron, Stephanie, Alyse and I visited the newly opened Billy Graham Library. We had a wonderful time. To really grasp the time enjoyed, I invite you to to click on my daughter Stephanie's blog, where she gives great insight about this afternoon together.

One aspect of the visit to the Billy Graham library that brought a flood of memories to me was a large picture located near the entrance to the barn.

It was the sign located in front of the Charlotte Coliseum in preparation for the Crusade coming to town in the fall of 1972. ( If it is hard to read, it says: Billy Graham Crusade 6,7,8; Wrestling 10; Elvis Presley 11; Ice Hockey 13,14) I had just starting going to church during the summer of 1972 and the Crusade was in September. I remember singing in the choir under the direction of Cliff Barrows and the privilege to hear Billy Graham preach each night of the meetings. Within 3 months of this meeting I had accepted Christ as my Savior and my life was transformed.


On Saturday June 29 Sharron and I travelled to Raleigh, NC to meet with the church board of the North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. It was a time for a pre-interview with the leadership of the church as they continue the process of searching for a new pastor.

Our time of interaction was great. We laughed together, shared, and listened to one another. My heart truly resonated with the expressions of the board as they described what they were looking for in a new pastor. I tried to listen carefully to the questions asked and drew insight about their vision and values from the prepared questions. We really appreciated Jeff giving us a tour of the facility. The evening meal with Cindi, Shawn and Harold was fantastic (including the Carolina Concrete). We enjoyed the morning service and especially the welcome received following the service when it was announced that a potential candidate was possibly visiting. The lunch with other board members and spouses was very enjoyable.

Sharron and I have given this opportunity much prayer and sought the council of godly friends. We have accepted the invitation to return to Raleigh over the weekend of July 15-17. A congregational meeting will take place on Friday for the purpose of a get acquainted time. I will meet with the church leadership again. I have accepted the invitation to preach on Sunday morning. Soon after this the church board will vote to recommend me as pastor - if that goes well - the congregational meeting will take place and the membership will vote.

I really feel like we are taking a giant leap of faith. Scroll down to my June 20 entry when I asked the question: What in the world is God doing? Well, it looks like this may be answer Sharron and I have believed for. I am sensing an excitement about the possibility of entering into pastoral ministry at a local church. I have loved being a District Superintendent. The time of ministry in Kansas as given us great joy. The experiences have held to continue to mold and shape me into the person and minister of God that I am today. Sharron and I have found it difficult to begin the separation of friends in Kansas. However, the excitement of being close to family, returning home to North Carolina and continue to the Lord's service in ministry is almost overwhelming. We are filled with joy about this possibility. Pray with us about the July 15-17 and check my blog the beginning of the next week for updates.


It was great to have the day with our son-in-law Josh at home. A very relaxing day of cooler weather and enjoyment with family. We are in prayer for our friends in Osawatomie, KS. Over the weekend the river arose and their house had over 6 feet of water covering the porch and into the house.


Thanks for taking the time to read this expression to thoughts. The passage of scripture that spoke to me today is from Deuteronomy 31:8:

Do not be afraid or discouraged,
for the LORD is the one who goes before you.
He will be with you;
he will neither fail you nor forsake you."
I hope you find this a trustworthy saying.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so exicited that you might have found a church!!! I've been really praying for you every chance I get!! God is shining on you once agian! I'm so happy for you and Sharon, boyfriend! How far would you be from Stephaine??
