Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do you believe in moral absolutes?

A gunman intended to assassinate a U.S. representative when he opened fire outside a Tucson, Arizona, supermarket on Saturday January 08, 2011, killing six and wounding 12 including the congresswoman, the local sheriff said hours after the shooting.

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords remains in critical condition after surgery for a single gunshot wound to the head.

My good friend and President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University - Dr. Everett Piper has written an excellent article to respond to a critical question.

Evil and Moral Absolutes
Do you believe that morality is relative and just a matter of personal choice?

After this past week's shootings in Arizona, after the death of nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green, after the heart wrenching details other deaths and 20 some wounded, do you believe in morality? Do you believe in the laws of Nature and Natures God or do you believe "we are the one's we've been waiting for and we are the change that we seek?"

After this week, what do you think?

As you looked deep into the eyes of Loughner what does your heart tell you?

Do we have it right?

Can man achieve utopia on his own?

Do we have the goodness within ourselves to develop our own systems of morality without the boundaries or restrictions of any absolute standards?

Do we have any real liberty without the limits of law?

Can there be any true freedom without moral fences? Can license be granted without selflessness and servitude?

Do you believe all is well in the world and that progress is marching boldly in a positive direction?

Or, in the shadow of the bodies at the Safeway in Arizona do you see something that your instinct told you was there all along?

Is the difference between good and bad real? Do right and wrong exist?

Do justice and injustice, life and death, morality and immorality, vice and virtue have definitions beyond the matters of personal opinion and political power?

Does the human heart have the propensity to choose poorly and to do despicable things?

Is the most proven empirical fact of all of human history the very existence of sin?

Do you believe Jared Loughner was objectively wrong in shooting Congresswoman Giffords and killing Christina Taylor Green?

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