Monday, January 17, 2011

Faith Promise for our new partnership

Yesterday at NRN was another awesome day. We welcomed Joshua and Paige Stines to NRN as they shared about their upcoming volunteer mission service in Poland. Here is some of the information from their Mission Corps page on line:

We are very excited to share with you what God is doing in our lives! We have been approved to serve in Poland beginning in February for one year (or more). Here, we will be joining the Church of the Nazarene in being deliberate in building relationships to evangelize to the Polish people.

The Church of the Nazarene had to be intentional in building trust with the natives that had been lost for nearly a century due to the effects of communism and war. The church responded by adopting a coffee shop paradigm in which space is provided for community classes, weekday bible studies, and a worship service every Saturday night while serving warm food and coffee. This atmosphere is one that creates trust between the Polish people and the missionaries. Currently, there are coffee shops located in Gdansk, Poznan, and a third that just opened in Krakow.

We are now in the process of raising funds to be volunteer missionaries. This is where we need your help!! We cannot answer the calling God has placed on our hearts without support from our family, friends, and church community. With your prayer and financial support we will be able to go and minister to people in Poland! Please consider giving on a monthly basis or even a one-time gift. The ministry in Poland will be furthered through your prayer and financial support.

I shared about the concept of Faith Promise Giving as we join in partnership with this couple. Here are the notes I shared:

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8

What is the Faith Promise?
All our hearts should be stirred and challenged as we realize that through our participation in Faith Promise Missions many in the world who have never once heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ will have this opportunity. God help us to reach out to the lost world.

Faith Promise is NOT:
1. It is not a pledge! You sign NOTHING! No one but God knows what you promised.

2. It is not something that someone will call on you to collect.

3. It is not ever to be taken away from your tithes & offerings.

Faith Promise is …

1 It is strictly between you & God. If you decide you cannot give as you promised then you tell God alone. Only He and you will know.

2. It is waiting before the Lord for His instructions as to what He wants you to give in reaching the world with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

3. It must be carried on by faith that God will supply for other things which arise as you proceed in giving what you promised Him.

I have asked that the people of NRN to please pray and fast about what God could do through us over the next 6 months to partner with the Stines financially. If you have not make your Faith Promise to encourage you to continue to pray and seek God's direction. We will receive your faith promise commitments through the month of January and plan to share our commitment with Joshua and Paige before they depart on Tuesday February 1, 2011 to begin their service in Poland.

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