Saturday, February 22, 2014

Preparing for Worship - The set list for last Sunday of February 2014

As we prepare for worship on the last Sunday of February the sabbatical preaching team continues in the series:

Tomorrow, Pastor Gary Narron returns to the pulpit as a member of the Sabbatical Preaching Team.  This is part 4 of 5 of this teaching series.  The message for tomorrow is titled: Up Close & Personal.  

Three times a year, Israelites from all over Israel journeyed to Jerusalem to observe the so-called pilgrimage feasts: Passover in the spring, Pentecost in early summer, and Tabernacles in the fall. At these feasts, all Israel gathered to worship the Lord together as his united people. Worshippers traveled together in groups for safety. As they drew near to Jerusalem, they sang songs together in anticipation of the celebration that was to take place. This collection of songs, known as the Songs of Ascent, we know as Psalms 120-134.

Here are the songs for worship we having planned for Sunday:

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