Sunday, February 23, 2014

Reflection from the message today - February 23, 2014

Today Pastor Gary Narron returns to the pulpit to continued the teaching series by the sabbatical preaching team. Our thoughts and prayers are with Pastor John Kelley and his family following the death of his brother this past week.

Pastor Gary focuses on Psalm 129 - 131.

Here are the big questions:

1. Where are you in your journey?

2. Have you had that initial experience with God?

3. Can you rejoice in your relationship with Jesus Christ?

4. Or, have you just putting in  time showing up?

5. What will He say when you meet Him face to face?

6. Which inasmuch will you hear?


in·as·much as

 conjunction \ˌi-nəz-ˈmə-chəz, -ˈməch-ˌaz\
—used to introduce a statement that explains, limits, or gives more specific information about what you have just said...

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