Saturday, October 18, 2014

Preparing for Worship On October 19 2014

As we prepare for church tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene, I am praying for many people to join us for this teaching series. Last week was awesome as we welcomed many first time guest to our church. I was amazed how many regular attenders missed the service.  I am praying God will speak to the hearts of many of our people to be with us. 

 I feel like this is one of the most important sermon series I have ever preached. 

Here is a preview of our worship and the message tomorrow:

We begin with a welcome and and invocation.  We stand and sing our praise to God!

Now we greet one another int he Name of the Lord. We take the time to hear about the opportunities to gather for fellowship and service the Lord
 in ministry into our community.   

Then we continue in our singing in worship to God.  

Consider the words of the next song we present to God:

Let us quiet our spirit before the Lord as we go to Him in prayer...

It is now time to worship the Lord by bringing our tithes and offerings to show that God has first place in our life

 All good things come from God.  We may strive to be good stewards of the environment and of our world - but few truly grasp the importance of being found faithful  by God as a good steward of our material wealth.  The church is the hope of the world - the plan by which God called on mission to reach the world with the message of forgiveness and salvation. Without the faithful and generous giving of God's people the church is reduced to simply trying to exist by paying it's operating expense - not investing in ministry to change lives.  Let us be found faithful in our giving!  Worship the Lord with the financial gift you have prepared and join the worship team in singing this song of adoration to our Great God! 

We are learning that there are spiritual forces driving the “New Norm” that is permeating our society. The spirit of Baal, the pagan god of power worshipped in biblical days, is still influencing our culture today. The drive for power, wealth, and control has produced a burned-out people filled with pride, and sacrificing the best in their lives on the altar of busyness and unending desire to attain.
“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.”                                                                Hebrews 4:9-11

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