Sunday, October 17, 2021

He Will Cover You With His Feathers – Psalm 91:4


He will cover you with His feathers,
    and under His wings you will find refuge;
    His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.




We need protection from the battles taking place in our lives. Even if you cannot see your battle right now (physically), rest assured there is a battle raging all around you in the spiritual realm. Because of this we are told to be ever vigilant; to suit up in the Armor of God complete with (spiritual) weapons and shields (Eph. 6:12-13). It is interesting to note, however, that this particular verse of Psalm 91describes the Lord’s protection as feathers and wings. This is because, in part, many of our earthly, day-to-day battles are emotional, mental and psychological (working hand-in-hand with spiritual attacks). Thus, in addition to protection, we are in need of tender, loving care. What great comfort it is knowing that God is so all-powerful, He need only feathers and wings to protect our heart, mind, body and soul. Thank You, Jesus!


If you are in a battle today, struggling to keep peace and joy at the center of your heart, abandon yourself completely to the Lord’s protection. Keep in mind that God’s ways are not our ways. He will not fight (all) our battles with physical strength and might, but rather with gentleness, kindness, and an all-consuming love — wrapping you in His soft and merciful, yet powerful wings. The Lord’s faithful promises are your daily armor and protection. Rest in this knowledge today. Give all your worries to your Father in Heaven, believing that His faithfulness is your impenetrable shield and rampart in battle.




Jesus, thank You for covering us in Your feathers of comfort and peace today. Thank You for allowing us to gather our strength under Your light and gentle wings of protection. Please give us the fortitude to suit up in our spiritual Armor daily, and the perseverance to fight the “Good fight of faith” moving forward. It is in Your good and Holy Name we pray, Amen.


“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” –Psalm91:4.


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