Saturday, October 16, 2021

Rick's Recipe: Pillsbury Crescent Roll Taco Bake


Pillsbury Crescent Roll Taco Bake



  • 2 Cans Pillsbury crescent rolls
  • 1 lb. Ground beef
  • 1 Packet taco seasoning
  • 1 ½ C. Shredded cheddar cheese
  • Shredded lettuce
  • 1 C. Tomatoes chopped
  • Sour cream and chopped green onions for garnish



  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Add the ground beef to a skillet over medium high heat on the stove, and cook until completely browned. Drain any excess fat.
  • Stir in the taco seasoning to the meat until combined.
  • Unroll the crescent roll dough from the tubes, and layer it in the bottom of a 9” pie pan or casserole dish. You may not need all of the dough to complete this.
  • Layer the cooked meat on top of the dough, and sprinkle the cheese on top of the meat.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes until the dough is browned and cooked through.
  • Let cool for 10 minutes, top with shredded lettuce and chopped tomato.
  • Add a garnish of chopped green onions and sour cream if desired before serving


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