This evening I will be sitting in the Worship Center of New Hope Wesleyan Church in Durham, NC. I am so excited to hear special guest Pastor Mark Batterson bring the message.
Tomorrow will be a day of inspiration as I attend a workshop featuring General Superintendent Dr. Wayne Schmidt.
Here is the email I received yesterday to prepare for this great event:
Dear Rick,
I sure hope this email finds you doing well and excited about InCite '16 this year! It is going to be an amazing two days together and it all starts TOMORROW! Thank you for registering for this leadership conference. You are going to be so glad you did!
The Bible says in Romans 12:8, "If you have the gift of leadership, than lead diligently." Plain and simple, our focus this weekend is to help us all lead more diligently to the glory and honor of Jesus in the market place and through His Church! We are so thrilled that you are going to be a part of our Incite '16 Leadership Conference! This is a yearly event at newhope church andwe can't wait to get it all started TOMORROW night at 7:00 pm!
Here are some important details to keep in mind as you prepare for the conference:
- Registration begins at 6:00 pm tomorrow evening. We have streamlined our registration process, so all you need to do is show your ticket on your phone or print out your InCite '16 ticket and bring it with you, and turn it in for your Conference SWAG Bag! This will be your entrance into the conference, so if you've registered a group of people, or if you used the same email for everyone in the group, make sure everyone in the group has a ticket.
- Arrive early so you'll have enough time to grab something to drink in the café and find your seat(s). Trust me, you do not want to miss a single minute of the beginning of Worship and what will be taking place as God meets with us!
- Following the Friday night session, please join us for, "The Night Awakens". There will be all kinds of games, food, and a local band, Delta Son. This will be a wonderful evening to connect with friends, meet new ones and celebrate the very first night of InCite '16!
- Saturday morning begins at 9:00 am. Again, you definitely want to arrive early. I encourage you to arrive around 8:30 am, enjoy the café, and find your seat(s).
- We will have food trucks on site for lunch, for those who would rather not worry about fighting the crowds at local restaurants. You can simply walk to your favorite looking truck, buy lunch, and hang out at the church! There will be seating outside as well as inside for lunch.
Please join me in prayer. I have been praying for you and the entire weekend for months now. I sense in my spirit that God is about to do something incredibly powerful through InCite '16, and I can't wait to get it started tomorrow! Please let us know if you need anything. We are honored to serve and we thank God for you and your leadership!
Because of Jesus,
Pastor Benji
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