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By Tyler ONeil “While most Americans identify as Christians, they seem confused about the details of their faith.” |
Evangelical Christians are supposedly united in their
belief that only those
who believe the gospel—that Jesus Christ died on the cross for humanity’s
sins and rose from the dead three days later—will be saved.
But not all who identify as evangelicals even believe this.
who believe the gospel—that Jesus Christ died on the cross for humanity’s
sins and rose from the dead three days later—will be saved.
But not all who identify as evangelicals even believe this.
According to a September study by LifeWay Research, Americans
don’t know much about theology. While most Americans identify as
Christians, they seem confused about the details of their faith.
don’t know much about theology. While most Americans identify as
Christians, they seem confused about the details of their faith.
“Contradictory and incompatible beliefs are OK for most
explained Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research.
Even those who identify as evangelicals often fell into some of the
worst theological errors.
explained Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research.
Even those who identify as evangelicals often fell into some of the
worst theological errors.
Here are 12 lies about God, morality and salvation
that Christians
in the study believed, and why they are wrong.
in the study believed, and why they are wrong.
1. Personal salvation depends on good works.
Three quarters of Americans (77 percent) agreed that people
contribute their own effort for personal salvation, according to the survey.
A full half (52 percent) said good deeds help them earn a spot in heaven.
contribute their own effort for personal salvation, according to the survey.
A full half (52 percent) said good deeds help them earn a spot in heaven.
At the same time, 60 percent said Jesus Christ’s death on
the cross
is the only sacrifice that could remove the penalty of their sin. This is much
closer to the biblical position: “For by grace you have been saved through
faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not the result of
works, so that no one may boast,” St. Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8-9.
is the only sacrifice that could remove the penalty of their sin. This is much
closer to the biblical position: “For by grace you have been saved through
faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not the result of
works, so that no one may boast,” St. Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8-9.
While James 2 declares that “faith without deeds is dead,”
that does
not mean that good deeds are what earns salvation. Romans 10:9
promises “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.” It is faith, not works, that earns salvation.
not mean that good deeds are what earns salvation. Romans 10:9
promises “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.” It is faith, not works, that earns salvation.
2. Everyone goes to heaven.
The study found that almost two thirds of evangelicals (64
and nearly as many Americans (60 percent) described heaven as a
place where “all people will ultimately be reunited with their loved ones.”
Overall, just over half of Americans (54 percent) agreed with the biblical
view that only those who trust in Jesus Christ alone receive eternal salvation.
and nearly as many Americans (60 percent) described heaven as a
place where “all people will ultimately be reunited with their loved ones.”
Overall, just over half of Americans (54 percent) agreed with the biblical
view that only those who trust in Jesus Christ alone receive eternal salvation.
Americans seem unable to grasp the contradiction: Either
goes to heaven or only those who believe in Jesus Christ will go to heaven.
goes to heaven or only those who believe in Jesus Christ will go to heaven.
At least a vast majority of evangelicals (84 percent) held
the biblical view
that hell is a place of eternal judgment, where God sends all people who
do not personally trust in Jesus Christ. Even so, this means that 16 percent
of evangelicals either disagreed or were unsure. Only 40 percent of all
Americans believed this.
that hell is a place of eternal judgment, where God sends all people who
do not personally trust in Jesus Christ. Even so, this means that 16 percent
of evangelicals either disagreed or were unsure. Only 40 percent of all
Americans believed this.
3. Sin isn’t important.
Original sin seems anathema to most Americans. Almost two
(65 percent) said that most people are good by nature, even though
everyone sins a little. Three quarters (74 percent) of Americans disagreed
that the smallest sin deserves eternal damnation—and 62 percent
strongly disagreed!
(65 percent) said that most people are good by nature, even though
everyone sins a little. Three quarters (74 percent) of Americans disagreed
that the smallest sin deserves eternal damnation—and 62 percent
strongly disagreed!
Romans 3:22-23 explicitly declares that “there is no
difference between
Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Orthodox Christianity holds that only the perfect may enter heaven,
and that even the slightest sin separates a person from God. Only the
death and resurrection of Jesus can restore the relationship between
the believer and God.
Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Orthodox Christianity holds that only the perfect may enter heaven,
and that even the slightest sin separates a person from God. Only the
death and resurrection of Jesus can restore the relationship between
the believer and God.
Seen as an eternal punishment for temporary sins, hell
seems unfair.
But orthodox Christianity holds that hell is the state of separation from God.
Seen in terms of a relationship with a perfect God, even a little sin
prevents the reuniting of man with God that is heaven.
But orthodox Christianity holds that hell is the state of separation from God.
Seen in terms of a relationship with a perfect God, even a little sin
prevents the reuniting of man with God that is heaven.
While most Americans said sin does not deserve eternal
more than half (57 percent) agreed it would be fair for God to show
His wrath against sin. Perhaps pastors can open their congregation’s
eyes by emphasizing the fairness of God’s wrath, rather than the
eternal damnation meted out for every sin.
more than half (57 percent) agreed it would be fair for God to show
His wrath against sin. Perhaps pastors can open their congregation’s
eyes by emphasizing the fairness of God’s wrath, rather than the
eternal damnation meted out for every sin.
4. God accepts worship of all religions.
Sixty-four percent of Americans said God accepts the
worship of all
religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Indeed, this belief
united all kinds of Americans: 62 percent of those 18 to 34 years old
believed it, as did 67 percent of those 50 and older. African Americans
(69 percent), Hispanics (65 percent), whites (63 percent) and
Asian-Americans (57 percent) also agreed that God accepts at
least these three types of worship.
religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Indeed, this belief
united all kinds of Americans: 62 percent of those 18 to 34 years old
believed it, as did 67 percent of those 50 and older. African Americans
(69 percent), Hispanics (65 percent), whites (63 percent) and
Asian-Americans (57 percent) also agreed that God accepts at
least these three types of worship.
Even 48 percent of evangelicals agreed that God accepts all
kinds of worship.
The difficulty with this view is that these religions disagree on the nature of God. Christianity (and some forms of Judaism) sees God as one being with multiple
persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Islam, by contrast, says that Allah
is a monad—He is not multiple persons and He does not have a son.
The difficulty with this view is that these religions disagree on the nature of God. Christianity (and some forms of Judaism) sees God as one being with multiple
persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Islam, by contrast, says that Allah
is a monad—He is not multiple persons and He does not have a son.
Throughout the Old Testament, God showed Himself as a
jealous God—
ordering the destruction of idols and praising the
kings who defiled pagan temples. While Jesus did liberalize worship
to some extent, he also emphasized that worship must be rooted in the
reality of God and man: He said it mattered less where people worship
than that they worship God “in spirit and in truth.”
ordering the destruction of idols and praising the
kings who defiled pagan temples. While Jesus did liberalize worship
to some extent, he also emphasized that worship must be rooted in the
reality of God and man: He said it mattered less where people worship
than that they worship God “in spirit and in truth.”
5. Jesus was created by God.
While a vast majority of Americans (69 percent) agreed in
the idea
of the Trinity—that there is one true God in three persons: Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit—more than half (52 percent) said that Jesus is the
“first and greatest being created by God.”
of the Trinity—that there is one true God in three persons: Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit—more than half (52 percent) said that Jesus is the
“first and greatest being created by God.”
This is incompatible with the Nicene Creed, which declares
that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God, “begotten of the Father, Light of Light, very God
of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father.”
Small-o orthodox Christianity insists that Jesus was not made by God,
but begotten of Him, being the same nature as God the Father.
Christ is the Son of God, “begotten of the Father, Light of Light, very God
of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father.”
Small-o orthodox Christianity insists that Jesus was not made by God,
but begotten of Him, being the same nature as God the Father.
A majority of Americans (61 percent) agreed with the
orthodox view of the
dual nature of Christ: that He is both divine and human. This is an important
doctrine, because Jesus is the bridge to reunite God with mankind.
If He is not fully human, He could not die for the sins of man. If He is
not fully divine, he could not unite them with God Himself.
dual nature of Christ: that He is both divine and human. This is an important
doctrine, because Jesus is the bridge to reunite God with mankind.
If He is not fully human, He could not die for the sins of man. If He is
not fully divine, he could not unite them with God Himself.
6. The Holy Spirit is a force.
Fifty-six percent of Americans said that the Holy Spirit is
not a person
but a force. More than a quarter (28 percent) described the Spirit as
a divine being but not equal to God the Father and Jesus.
but a force. More than a quarter (28 percent) described the Spirit as
a divine being but not equal to God the Father and Jesus.
A full half (51 percent) disagreed, standing by the
orthodox position
that the Holy Spirit is one of the three equal persons of God. He may
come from the Father and the Son, but that does not make Him any less God.
that the Holy Spirit is one of the three equal persons of God. He may
come from the Father and the Son, but that does not make Him any less God.
7. The Bible was written to be interpreted as
each person chooses.
According to the study, 51 percent of Americans said the
Bible was written
for each person to interpret as he or she chooses. This nonsense does
not fit with what the Bible actually says.
for each person to interpret as he or she chooses. This nonsense does
not fit with what the Bible actually says.
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting
and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly
equipped for every good work,” St. Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. If the
Bible were written to be interpreted as each person wants, it could not teach,
rebuke, correct or train in righteousness.
and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly
equipped for every good work,” St. Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. If the
Bible were written to be interpreted as each person wants, it could not teach,
rebuke, correct or train in righteousness.
Interestingly, while many Americans believed the Bible is
meant to be
interpreted personally, 64 percent said the accounts of Jesus’ bodily
resurrection are completely accurate. Only 23 percent disagreed.
Not surprisingly, 98 percent of evangelicals agreed in the historicity
of Jesus’ resurrection, while even a majority of non-evangelical Americans
(56 percent) also did.
interpreted personally, 64 percent said the accounts of Jesus’ bodily
resurrection are completely accurate. Only 23 percent disagreed.
Not surprisingly, 98 percent of evangelicals agreed in the historicity
of Jesus’ resurrection, while even a majority of non-evangelical Americans
(56 percent) also did.
Nevertheless, only 47 percent of Americans said the Bible
is 100 percent
accurate in all it teaches, while 43 percent disagreed. This might be due
to the various scientific approaches to Genesis 1. Forty-four percent said
the Bible contains helpful myths but isn’t literally true.
accurate in all it teaches, while 43 percent disagreed. This might be due
to the various scientific approaches to Genesis 1. Forty-four percent said
the Bible contains helpful myths but isn’t literally true.
8. Extramarital sex is not a sin.
Only about half of Americans (49 percent) said that
sex outside of
traditional marriage is a sin, while 44 percent said it isn’t one.
Women (53 percent) are more likely than men (45 percent) to call
extramarital sex sinful, while people with bachelor’s degrees (44 percent)
and graduate degrees (40 percent) were less likely than those with
high school diplomas or less (56 percent) to do so.
traditional marriage is a sin, while 44 percent said it isn’t one.
Women (53 percent) are more likely than men (45 percent) to call
extramarital sex sinful, while people with bachelor’s degrees (44 percent)
and graduate degrees (40 percent) were less likely than those with
high school diplomas or less (56 percent) to do so.
Jesus Himself explained that sex is reserved for marriage,
and He even
went so far as to say that lusting after someone is a form of fornication.
Perhaps due to these clear doctrines, a full 91 percent of evangelicals
agreed that sex outside of marriage is a sin, compared to only 40 percent
of non-evangelicals. Still, it might be concerning that 9 percent
did not believe so.
went so far as to say that lusting after someone is a form of fornication.
Perhaps due to these clear doctrines, a full 91 percent of evangelicals
agreed that sex outside of marriage is a sin, compared to only 40 percent
of non-evangelicals. Still, it might be concerning that 9 percent
did not believe so.
9. Abortion is not a sin.
Forty-nine percent of Americans in the survey said that
abortion is a sin,
while 40 percent said it is not. Eighty-seven percent of evangelicals
agreed that abortion is a sin, while only 41 percent of non-evangelicals said so.
while 40 percent said it is not. Eighty-seven percent of evangelicals
agreed that abortion is a sin, while only 41 percent of non-evangelicals said so.
Abortion is less clear directly from the Bible, but the
text describes fetuses
in the womb as though they were human. Genesis 25:22 describes Jacob
and Esau “struggling together” inside Rebekah’s womb. Luke 1:44
describes John the Baptist inside his mother Elizabeth’s womb leaping
for joy when Jesus, who was inside Mary’s womb at the time, was near.
Exodus 21:22-25 is arguably the world’s first fetal homicide law, and
Psalm 139 describes God’s personal knowledge of the author in his
mother’s womb.
in the womb as though they were human. Genesis 25:22 describes Jacob
and Esau “struggling together” inside Rebekah’s womb. Luke 1:44
describes John the Baptist inside his mother Elizabeth’s womb leaping
for joy when Jesus, who was inside Mary’s womb at the time, was near.
Exodus 21:22-25 is arguably the world’s first fetal homicide law, and
Psalm 139 describes God’s personal knowledge of the author in his
mother’s womb.
Early Christians opposed the practice, which was in vogue
across the
Roman Empire, and most Christians today oppose it. Modern DNA
science testifies that at conception, a new being is created with the
entire genetic code of a human being.
Roman Empire, and most Christians today oppose it. Modern DNA
science testifies that at conception, a new being is created with the
entire genetic code of a human being.
If a fetus is a human being, then the practice of abortion
can be
considered homicide, and the Ten Commandments clearly condemn murder.
considered homicide, and the Ten Commandments clearly condemn murder.
10. Gender identity is a matter of choice.
Thirty-eight percent of Americans in the survey said that
gender identity
is a matter of choice, while 51 percent disagreed. Only 32 percent of
evangelicals said gender identity is a choice, while 40 percent of
non-evangelicals said so.
is a matter of choice, while 51 percent disagreed. Only 32 percent of
evangelicals said gender identity is a choice, while 40 percent of
non-evangelicals said so.
Scripture does not speak specifically to the sense that a
person was born
in the wrong body (gender dysphoria), but it does emphasize two basic
ideas on sexuality: humans were made male and female, and sexuality
is a good gift of God. While people who struggle with gender dysphoria
should be treated with love and respect, Christians cannot believe that
their birth sex is a mistake.
in the wrong body (gender dysphoria), but it does emphasize two basic
ideas on sexuality: humans were made male and female, and sexuality
is a good gift of God. While people who struggle with gender dysphoria
should be treated with love and respect, Christians cannot believe that
their birth sex is a mistake.
The idea of original sin—that people are born into a fallen
with sinful desires, diseases and other weaknesses—explains where
gender dysphoria comes from, and the idea of God’s ultimate
redemption of humanity promises an answer that does not require
“gender-affirming” surgery. (Indeed, such surgery mutilates the
human body as God designed it, and there are real victims of transgenderism.)
Christians should sympathize with those struggling with dysphoria,
and offer them the ultimate hope in Jesus Christ that motivates our faith.
with sinful desires, diseases and other weaknesses—explains where
gender dysphoria comes from, and the idea of God’s ultimate
redemption of humanity promises an answer that does not require
“gender-affirming” surgery. (Indeed, such surgery mutilates the
human body as God designed it, and there are real victims of transgenderism.)
Christians should sympathize with those struggling with dysphoria,
and offer them the ultimate hope in Jesus Christ that motivates our faith.
11. Homosexual behavior is no longer a sin.
Forty-two percent of Americans in the survey said that the
condemnation of homosexual behavior does not apply today,
while 44 percent disagreed.
condemnation of homosexual behavior does not apply today,
while 44 percent disagreed.
Small-o orthodox Christianity holds that homosexual
practice is a sin,
because sex is reserved for marriage between one man and one woman.
Romans 1 makes clear that homosexual acts are sinful—a penalty for
separation from God and a sin with its own consequences.
(An aside, this passage does not call for the execution of homosexuals,
as The New York Times ignorantly reported.)
because sex is reserved for marriage between one man and one woman.
Romans 1 makes clear that homosexual acts are sinful—a penalty for
separation from God and a sin with its own consequences.
(An aside, this passage does not call for the execution of homosexuals,
as The New York Times ignorantly reported.)
That emphatically does not mean that people with same-sex
cannot be saved or are more sinful than others. Christians all acknowledge
their sinfulness and accept forgiveness only through the death and
resurrection of Jesus. No Christian should pretend to be “holier-than-thou,”
but no Christian can support homosexual behavior either. It is a hard thing
for Christians with same-sex attraction to be abstinent, but they are held
to the same standard as unmarried straight people.
cannot be saved or are more sinful than others. Christians all acknowledge
their sinfulness and accept forgiveness only through the death and
resurrection of Jesus. No Christian should pretend to be “holier-than-thou,”
but no Christian can support homosexual behavior either. It is a hard thing
for Christians with same-sex attraction to be abstinent, but they are held
to the same standard as unmarried straight people.
12. The prosperity gospel.
Thirty-seven percent of American evangelicals agreed that
God will
always reward true faith with material blessings. Sixty-three percent
of Americans in general disagreed with this notion, and only 23 percent
of non-evangelicals agreed with this “prosperity gospel.”
always reward true faith with material blessings. Sixty-three percent
of Americans in general disagreed with this notion, and only 23 percent
of non-evangelicals agreed with this “prosperity gospel.”
Perhaps ironically, poorer Americans, those with incomes
under $25,000,
were more likely (28 percent) to agree with the prosperity gospel than
wealthier Americans. Only 20 percent of those making $100,000
or more bought this notion.
were more likely (28 percent) to agree with the prosperity gospel than
wealthier Americans. Only 20 percent of those making $100,000
or more bought this notion.
The prosperity gospel flies in the face of orthodox
and the plain text of the Bible. While the New Testament promises
heaven for those who believe in Jesus, it does not promise riches
in this life. Rather, Saint Paul, the author of most of the letters in
the New Testament, himself faced penury, prison and even death
for the gospel he preached. The apostles all faced gruesome deaths,
with the one exception of Saint John, and thousands of martyrs laid
the foundation for the church.
and the plain text of the Bible. While the New Testament promises
heaven for those who believe in Jesus, it does not promise riches
in this life. Rather, Saint Paul, the author of most of the letters in
the New Testament, himself faced penury, prison and even death
for the gospel he preached. The apostles all faced gruesome deaths,
with the one exception of Saint John, and thousands of martyrs laid
the foundation for the church.
This does not mean that every believer is called to give
his or her life
to preach the gospel, but it should emphatically disprove the message
of preachers like Joel Osteen, who proclaim that faith can bring riches.
to preach the gospel, but it should emphatically disprove the message
of preachers like Joel Osteen, who proclaim that faith can bring riches.
Americans with more education are less likely to believe
this prosperity
gospel (18 percent of those with graduate degrees said they believed it,
while 33 percent of those with high school degrees or less did so).
gospel (18 percent of those with graduate degrees said they believed it,
while 33 percent of those with high school degrees or less did so).
Tyler ONeil Assistant Editor of PJ Media, Tyler O'Neil is a conservative fundraiser and commentator. He has written for numerous publications, including The Christian Post, National Review, The Washington Free Beacon, The Daily Signal, AEI's Values & Capitalism, and the Colson Center's Breakpoint
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